The local dimension of human rights: the ILDG meets with Michael O’Flaherty, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

The local dimension of human rights: the ILDG meets with Michael O’Flaherty, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Written written the 27/10/2024

At its meeting on 14 October, the ILDG group had the honour of receiving Michael O’Flaherty, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights for an exchange of views on the local dimension of human rights.

“The work of the Commissioner is primarily directed toward our member states and our governments. However, human rights have a clear local dimension, particularly when it comes to their implementation—whether in the reception and integration of migrants, combating discrimination, including in schools, or protecting minorities and vulnerable groups. Moreover, many human rights violations occur locally, and it is up to local authorities to address these challenges in their day-to-day work,” said ILDG President Stewart Dickson in his opening remarks.

This was the first time the Commissioner for Human Rights had come to address the ILDG group, and the ILDG greatly appreciated the Commissioner’s call for joint action and regular contact with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

“The Commissioner began his address by reminding us—and quoting Eleanor Roosevelt’s 1958 statement—that universal human rights begin in small places, close to home. We couldn’t agree more. He also warned us that the passion for human rights is diminishing, and it is our everyday duty to ensure that human dignity, rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, remains the solid foundation of our societies,” declared Stewart Dickson.