ILDG stands with democratic forces of Belarus

ILDG stands with democratic forces of Belarus

Written written the 26/02/2024

“The so-called local elections organised in Belarus on 25 February 2024 are nothing but a sham. Without freedoms of speech, assembly and association, without genuine opposition and independent media, and in the absence of democratic standards guiding the electoral process, they cannot be considered as free and fair,” declared Marc Cools, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

He also expressed concern for the fate of the political prisoners held by the Lukashenka regime and expressed hope that "one day we can welcome a future democratic Belarus as a member of the Council of Europe".

On Wednesday 27 March, President Cools has invited leader of the Belarusian democratic forces Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya to address the members of the Congress.

Full statement of the President of the Congress here