Marc Cools: candidate for President of Congress

Marc Cools: candidate for President of Congress

Written written the 16/10/2023

The ILDG group unanimously supported Marc Cools as the group’s candidate for the Presidency of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe 2023-2026. The election is scheduled for Tuesday 24 October 2023.

“I deeply believe in the values on which the Council of Europe is founded: the rule of law, democracy and human rights. Supporting the anchoring of these values at local and regional level and contributing to the respect of the European Charter of Local Self-Government is the meaning of our commitment within the Congress.

This living democracy to which we all aspire is best developed at local level, where the link between elected representatives and citizens is closest. It’s also at this level that young people can most easily be associated and involved in our democratic life. Respect for the principle of subsidiarity is also the guarantee of good governance. It is this reality that makes me a convinced municipalist and regionalist,” – Marc Cools.